Challenge disclaimer

Please, before taking part in our competitions and challenges, notice that the material you provide to us or
on which you tag us on social media may be used for marketing purposes by WEGAN. By participating in
our challenges or by tagging us to your social media content you give us the full permission to use the
challenge material for marketing and other related purposes.

When the challenge ends, WEGAN has the right to choose the winner on any basis, this is mentioned in each post.

WEGAN will contact the
winner(s) for their contact information and to ensure the following.
To receive the prize, the winners must assign the copyrights of the material they have produced during the
competition to WEGAN and they must allow that the material may be freely used and/or modified by us for
any purpose in the future. The winner(s) may use the content for their own purposes, other than
marketing. In these cases they must refer to WEGAN in accordance with good custom. (The copyrights of
the winner’s materials are shared.)

When participating in our challenges the participants must use their own material, i.e. they assure us that
the copyright of the content they provide to us belongs to them and that the material does not infringe any
third party’s copyright or other rights. In case someone claims compensation from WEGAN for violating
such third party’s rights when using the content the challenge participants have provided to or produced
for us the participant is liable to pay such compensation.